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ten thousand

card. The cardinal number 10,000

ten thousand
  1. adj. denoting a quantity consisting of 10,000 items or units

  2. n. the cardinal number that is the product of ten and one thousand [syn: 10000, myriad]

Ten Thousand (Greek mercenaries)

The Ten Thousand were a group of mercenary units, mainly Greek, drawn up by Cyrus the Younger to attempt to wrest the throne of the Persian Empire from his brother, Artaxerxes II. Their march to the Battle of Cunaxa and back to Greece (401–399 BC) was recorded by Xenophon (one of its leaders) in his work, The Anabasis.

Usage examples of "ten thousand".

We're not talking about the Teutoburger Wald or the March of the Ten Thousand through the mountains of Kurdistan here.

He is retreating from Moscow, and not ten thousand of his army will reach Germany.

Cowardice, moral or even perhaps physical, would be the unspoken comment on every side at ten thousand miles distance no one could judge of the strength of a storm.

To Hornblower's subconscious mind Barbara in making her request was risking their lives for it staking ten thousand future kisses against one immediate one.

It was womanlike for her to do so, but odds of ten thousand to one had no appeal for Hornblower.

It was one thing to land a small party to attack fifty artillery men in a battery taken completely by surprise, but it was quite another to land in the face of a disciplined army ten thousand strong.

The inside world has deposits of magnetic substance perhaps ten thousand times greater in force than the magnetism of the outer earth.

If there is one chance in ten thousand that these things actually increase in any measurable domain consciousness, then, by Henry, we should be leaning into it full bore, because if we don't get our act together, you know, the fossil record has a place for failed experiments and I'm not interested in that.

True, there were ten thousand foot soldiers in the advancing Mede army.