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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Temporarily \Tem"po*ra*ri*ly\, adv. In a temporary manner; for a time.


adv. 1 for a relatively brief period of time 2 not permanently


adv. for a limited time only; not permanently; "he will work here temporarily"; "he was brought out of retirement temporarily"; "a power failure temporarily darkened the town" [ant: permanently]

Usage examples of "temporarily".

The therapeutic use of a cholinesterase-inhibitor conserves the acetylcholine and can, at least temporarily, improve muscle action.

Ramage said, relieved that the Admiral had not added a stronger condemnation about him going aground, a factor which had seemed to absorb him, at least temporarily.

As the arching occurred in whatever position the seeds were placed, it is no doubt due to temporarily increased growth of the nature of epinasty or hyponasty along one side of the part.

Naked, they sat on the unused bed and fed one another until one kind of hunger was temporarily satisfied and they reached once again to assuage the other.

I thought the least he could do was crack another bottle of claret, seeing as he was getting eternal life dirt cheap and I was obtaining only half the profit from this bizarre transaction but he was temporarily blind and deaf to the world, barkening only to the invisible angels shouting in his ears, so I rapped loudly with the book upon the table and that brought one of his bullies in, at the double -- out of a door of a secret kind concealed in the panelling.

Then the stream would stop and build up, as Benj had pictured it, like hot wax on a candle, solidifying temporarily from addition of ammonia.

During these moments before practice and a race, Britt, the racer, and Karl, the racing mechanic, can temporarily suppress the otherwise overriding fact of why they travel the world in the guise of a racing team.

He succeeded just in time, for Skarn produced a wave of force that flung Flax bodily against a bookcase, temporarily dazing the wizard.

The heat under her hands increased and Elphame felt them actually slide a little way into the temporarily malleable stone.

You are safe, dear old man, you are safe, temporarily, in the mansuetude of our care, Julie said.

Deanna, for Maror had temporarily gotten the upper hand and was now trying to bring his weapon to bear on the Starfleet officer.

Mela Merwoman, Ida Human, and Okra Ogress, who are here temporarily until their rocket seed is ready to move again.

All misgovernment is contrary to self-interest in the long run, but may actually strengthen a regime temporarily.

The condition of the border will necessarily come into consideration in connection with the question of continuing or modifying the rights of transit from Canada through the United States, as well as the regulation of imposts, which were temporarily established by the reciprocity treaty of the 5th June, 1854.

Like all true children of the mountains, he pined even when temporarily absent from them.