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n. (plural of temporary English)

Usage examples of "temporaries".

As Phillips came up the passageway that led to the main bath he saw fifteen or twenty of them lolling in the water or padding languidly about, while temporaries of the dark-skinned Mohenjo-daro type served them drinks and pungent little morsels of spiced meat as though this were some sort of luxury resort.

Some temporaries in short white kilts appeared and began to trim the dense dark hedges that bordered the great public buildings.

Dozens of temporaries were roaming the balcony, selling refreshments of all kinds.

While he ate, one of the temporaries came up to him and peered blandly into his face.

The temporaries had confused and baffled him at first, and there was still much about them that was unclear to him.

It seemed to him that he had had trouble like this with temporaries on one or two earlier occasions.

The sound was produced by some kind of steam-powered mechanism, he realized, operated by teams of sweating temporaries clustered about bonfires at the base of each Triton.

Down below, relays of temporaries carried wood from the dumb-waiter and tossed it on the blazing fire.

At the parties there were five or ten temporaries for every citizen, some as mere servants, others as entertainers or even surrogate guests, mingling freely and a little daringly.

They would just bring forth the temporaries in whatever quantity was required.

The pavilion came equipped with eleven temporaries who were to be their servants: soft-voiced unobtrusive catlike Chinese, done with perfect verisimilitude, straight black hair, glowing skin, epicanthic folds.

Phillips often wondered what happened to a city's temporaries when the city's time was over.

Or did they simply discard the old temporaries like so many excess props, stash them in warehouses somewhere, and turn out the appropriate quantities of the new model?

Interrogating temporaries was not only improper but pointless: it was like interrogating one's luggage.

So you had to settle for creating temporaries to populate your ancient cities.