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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Tempestuous \Tem*pes"tu*ous\, a. [L. tempestuous: cf. OF. tempestueux, F. temp[^e]tueux.] Of or pertaining to a tempest; involving or resembling a tempest; turbulent; violent; stormy; as, tempestuous weather; a tempestuous night; a tempestuous debate. -- Tem*pes"tu*ous*ly, adv. -- Tem*pes"tu*ous*ness, n.

They saw the Hebrew leader, Waiting, and clutching his tempestuous beard.


n. The characteristic of being tempestuous.


n. a state of wild storminess

Usage examples of "tempestuousness".

Her silver hair was frozen into a photographed stormtossed effect, clicked into sempiternal tempestuousness on a Wuthering Heights of the American imagination.