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temperature inversion

n. (context meteorology English) An atmospheric condition in which a cooler layer of air lies below a warmer layer of air that functions as a "ceiling" for the cooler layer, interfering with normal atmospheric circulation and trapping pollutants.

Usage examples of "temperature inversion".

Some kind of dire temperature inversion had clamped itself down over the city like a bell jar, trapping and concentrating the cocktail of dust, automobile exhaust, coal smoke, woodsmoke, manure smoke, and the ammoniated gasses that rose up from the stewn excreta of millions of people and animals.

He put down the looseleaf binder and went to the bookshelves, rolled the ladder along their length and climbed up, selecting a book about projected climatalogical changes as the result of heat and temperature inversion.

A combination of a current where a current had no right to be, a temperature inversion where a temperature inversion had no right to be, and a pressure ridge where we least expected it.

By now, midafternoon, the wood and petroleum cooking stoves of that population had raised a pall of darkish smoke that hung just under the temperature inversion and made it impossible to see the far hills.

It was typically Greenland, this swift change in the weather, and so, too, was the temperature inversion that would surely follow in the morning, or before morning.

Lvov had been listening to her data desk's synthesized murmur on temperature inversion layers in nitrogen atmospheres.

Now there were new theories in plenty, about the local gravity anomalies, the peculiar plate tectonics, the inexplicable temperature inversion from depths of five to fourteen miles, the odd depth to basement of the whole region -- and they added to an incomplete explanation that reinforced Gabry-Poussin's original comment.

Surely, he thought, this is some trick of the light, some temperature inversion or mirror image.

There was a rattle of hailstones striking the hull as they passed through a temperature inversion layer in the atmosphere.