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n. (plural of temblor English)

Usage examples of "temblors".

The temblors are too small and distant to be felt on land, but have been recorded at seismographic stations on South Georgia, Punta Arenas, the South Sandwich Islands, and the Falkland Islands.

The old seismographs she had picked up all had records disturbed by recent temblors from the north, where there should have been very little activity.

But the temblors recorded by the seismographs were discrete short-period shocks, like explosions rather than marsquakes.

Her seismographs showed daily temblors to the east, and she drove toward them.

The temblors registering on her seismograph were very strong now, and appeared to be coming from a bit to the north.

It didn't— the graphs went back to normal, and the temblors a thousand kilometers away gradually subsided.

The records were so poor in the lab that minor temblors like that could have been occurring for months without meaning anything.

It didn’t— the graphs went back to normal, and the temblors a thousand kilometers away gradually subsided.

It didn't the graphs went back to normal, and the temblors a thousand kilometers away gradually subsided.