n. (plural of tellurian English)
Usage examples of "tellurians".
The Tellurians became acquainted with, and upon occasion fought with, various types of man-sized monsters in addition to the three varieties they had seen on Hodell.
The Tellurians lit cigarettes and the others - who, to the Earth-lings' surprise, also smoked - assembled and lit two peculiar-looking things halfway between pipe and cigarette.
You two Tellurians, immature although you are, have made two tremendous contributions to the advancement of the Scheme of Things - three, if you count this starship, which is comparatively unimportant - each of such import that no human mind can foresee any fraction of its consequences.
One hears that nearly all educated Tellurians have the Spanish, and you are educated, of a certainty.
We see very few Tellurians or Vegians, but the standards of those worlds are.
But Manarkans didn't sweat like Tellurians, he guessed—if they did, she'd either peel or smother before this job was over!
Of the six Tellurians, only Neal Cloud had had enough experience in public near-nudity so that it made no difference.
Of course they aren't an Aldebarian and four Tellurians any more, are they?
The six Tellurians, although shaken no little by their climactic experience on Vegia, returned soon to normal and resumed their accustomed routines of life—with certain outstanding variations.
The matriarchs did not have anything the Tellurians either needed or wanted.
Since the nurse had put her into a wide-open two-way, however, she knew beyond all possibility of doubt that these Tellurians wished her and all her kind well, not ill.
Helen's eyes were softer than either of the Tellurians had ever seen them before.
Our first set-back came when a Tellurian warship, manned by Tellurians and Valerians, succeeded in capturing almost intact one of the most modern and most powerful of our vessels.
Should he reveal this form of flesh, which was real enough, as Tellurians understood reality?
Neither of the two Tellurians mentioned the subject, of course, either then or ever, but many other persons–including your historian–have done so, with no trace whatever of success.