n. (television station English)
Usage examples of "television stations".
Leave the radio and television stations alone, but get the telephone exchange!
I was equally unsettled by the way television stations in America can jump back and forth between commercials and programs without hesitation or warning.
Ellie ignored random access and advanced sequentially through the television stations.
After they had appeared on their local television stations crowing about how wonderful I was, they couldn't very well ignore me.
Videotape cassettes are arriving at all major networks and television stations.
The local television stations had been allowed to set up their video cameras just beyond it.
I bought newspapers and television stations so that I could attack you.
AP and UPI had instantly picked it up, and all television stations subscribed to the wire services.
Three of those papers own radio and television stations in concentrated areas north and south, and, speaking of coincidences, audio and visual tapes of the congressman's television appearances were supplied to all of them.