n. a character printer connected to a telegraph that operates like a typewriter [syn: teletypewriter, teleprinter, telex, telex machine]
Usage examples of "teletype machine".
When Clete started to unfold them, he saw it was really one long sheet of paper, and recognized the carbon copy from a radio-teletype machine.
Forbin, watching the teletype machine, was willing, praying that it would not start up.
Hon waved Pickering into a chair, and then typed Pickerings letter to Navy Secretary Frank Knox onto a machine that looked much like (and was a derivative of) a teletype machine.
It was necessary to feed the punched tape into another machine (a converted teletype machine), which then typed out a copy on paper.
The teletype machine faded out and I could no longer sense its presence.
You'd need a teletype machine if I tapped those lines, or a telegraph printer.
Littell cadged the teletype machine and queried the Dallas office.
A thin layer of black automobile grease seemed to be smeared over everything, including the kid sitting at the teletype machine, reading the incoming dealer requests.
All at once, every teletype machine in the task force started clanging away, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.
Did you ever see a teletype machine in operation, particularly one that suddenly went haywire?
The shrink-wrap was discarded in the low-tech rectangular plastic waste can next to his desk, and the technician inserted the cassette in an ordinary-looking but expensive player that was linked electronically to another teletype machine ten feet away.
A small click-click sound troubled him until he moved to the desk and saw that beside it stood a teletype machine.
James Morgan, editor of the Hudson Tribune, heard the clanking of the bells on the teletype machine and stuck his head out of his office.
Horgan swore softly and walked to the back of the room where he leaned over the teletype machine, then ripped the yellow sheet of paper from the machine.
A Communications Corporation offered to teach girls teletype machine operating and to pay them twelve.