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Telesto (moon)

Telesto ( , ) is a moon of Saturn. It was discovered by Smith, Reitsema, Larson and Fountain in 1980 from ground-based observations, and was provisionally designated . In the following months, several other apparitions were observed: , , and .

In 1983 it was officially named after Telesto of Greek mythology. It is also designated as (13) or Tethys B.

Telesto is co-orbital with Tethys, residing in Tethys' leading Lagrangian point . This relationship was first identified by Seidelmann Harrington et al. 1981}}|Seidelmann et al. in 1981. Another moon, Calypso, resides in the other (trailing) Lagrangian point of Tethys, 60 degrees in the other direction from Tethys. The Saturnian system has two additional trojan moons.


Telesto may refer to:

  • Telesto (mythology), a figure in Greek mythology
  • Telesto (moon), moon of Saturn
  • Telesto (genus), genus of Octocorallia
Telesto (mythology)

In Greek mythology, Telesto or Telestho ( ; English translation: "success") was an Oceanid, one of the 3,000 daughters of Titans Oceanus and Tethys.

Hesiod describes her as "wearing a yellow peplos".

Telesto was the personification of the divine blessing or success.

Telesto, a moon of Saturn, is named after her.