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vb. (en-past of: telephone)

Usage examples of "telephoned".

Saturday, Popsy telephoned while I was pottering round my apartment trying to shut my eyes to undone chores.

Instead, he had telephoned, apologetically as he always did, this time from Rome.

She showed in two men, both carrying briefcases-Ogden Bailey who had telephoned, and the second man, Sean Hall, who had been with him in the lobby.

For fully five minutes he stood in the corridor, not stirring, waiting to hear if the man in the room telephoned downstairs.

In response to a telephoned request the young Negro had delivered it early this morning.

Before leaving the hotel Peter left word with the duty assistant manager that if any decision from the dentists became known, he was to be telephoned immediately.

A few minutes earlier, remembering hotel affairs for the first time in several hours, he had telephoned the St.

When he was dressed, on entering the living room he 252 Thursday immediately telephoned Royall Edwards.

Houston bureau chief had been telephoned the previous night, soon after an early edition of the Herald Tribune broke the story in New York, and had flown in on an early flight.

A moment or two ago the clerk telephoned to say that from the conversation of emerging delegates it was obvious that the proposal to cancel the convention had been overruled.

Immediately following the departure of Emile Dumaire, Christine Francis had telephoned to make the appointment which Warren Trent was keeping now.

Pucinelli and myself, I had telephoned his office to tell him the drop was about to start.

Gerry Clayton telephoned to say that Nerrity was furious and insisting we drop the case.

Alessia stretched lazily on one of the armchairs and listened while I telephoned Kent Wagner.

True, a telephoned message to a radio station, allegedly from an underground revolutionary group-Friends of Freedom-claimed responsibility.