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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Telepathy \Te*lep"a*thy\, n. [Gr. ? far off + ?, ?, to suffer.] The sympathetic affection of one mind by the thoughts, feelings, or emotions of another at a distance, without communication through the ordinary channels of sensation.

Note: The existence of this ability has not been proven scientifically.-- Tel`e*path"ic, a. -- Te*lep"a*thist, n.


n. Someone with telepathic powers.

  1. n. someone with the power of communicating thoughts directly [syn: thought-reader, mental telepathist, mind reader]

  2. a magician who seems to discern the thoughts of another person (usually by clever signals from an accomplice) [syn: mind reader, thought-reader]


Telepathist may refer to:

  • Telepathy
  • The Whole Man, novel by John Brunner

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Usage examples of "telepathist".

Ulan Bator today brought in eighteen-year-old Mary Hall, the deaf-and-dumb girl who befriended novice telepathist Gerry Howson.

Accordingly he thought about these telepathists from a different standpoint: as persons set apart by a mental, rather than a physical, abnormality.

He was sufficiently cynical to have realized that the admiration for telepathists provoked by this movie, by others like it, by official news stories, was artificial.

The movies about telepathists which he had seen provided a ready-made frame to work with.

Occasionally he recalled that telepathists were well treated by that world, praised and highly valued.

So far he had accepted almost no formal training in the use of his talent, but there were trained telepathists on the permanent staff of the hospital, and merely being close to them had increased his control and sensitivity.

They were the insane, lost in their private universes of illogic, and of course it was among them that the work of the staff telepathists lay.

Schacht at least made an attempt to master his instinctual revulsion against telepathists, and that was more than some people bothered to do.

The order was to himself, but it was given as a deafening telepathic scream, and elsewhere in the hospital other telepathists, including the Nepalese girl, reacted with sleepy surprise.

Not until the process of assimilating telepathists into a world run by ordinary people was complete.

WHO therapy centre he was in isolation from it, because telepathists had become a completely accepted part of the regular staff.

All the student telepathists he had known well were outnumbered by the crowd in this one room.

An experiment with possible far-reaching consequences suggested itself: ship out to Theeo a load of so-called freaks, the people with bizarre gifts, the abnormal, the unusual - clairvoyants, telepathists, faith-healers, telekineticists, and so on.

But I'll go over it, if you don't mind - not being a telepathist myself, I organize words better than universalized concepts.

What he craved wasn't the exercise of unbridled power, or any of the other unfeasible yearnings which a telepathist had to retreat into fugue to let loose.