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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Teleologist \Te`le*ol"o*gist\, n. (Biol.) One versed in teleology.


n. one who studies teleology


n. advocate of teleology

Usage examples of "teleologist".

The Teleologists talked about Teleologist stuff, but John was kind enough to include us in the chitchat, explaining things as we went along.

True, he did not know he was a teleologist, but he was none the less a teleologist for this.

He is no mere Teleologist, hobbling towards his conclusions on a pair of decayed logic crutches,2 but an infinite Artist, whose means and ends are consentaneous in the timeless and spaceless spontaneity and perfection of his play.

And although, under such circumstances, I should consider that man the more rational who carefully suspended his judgment, I conclude that if this course is departed from, neither the metaphysical teleologist nor the scientific atheist has any perceptible advantage over the other in respect of rationality.

When we got there we found the Teleologists in the backyard, sitting in a circle on the ground in silent meditation.

The Teleologists had lost all their gear, and what they had bought in town didn't go very far.