n. A remote manipulation system in which a slave device mimics the motions of a master device manipulated directly by the operator.
Usage examples of "telefactor".
A telefactor is a slave machine operated by remote control The telefactor functions in a feedback situation with its operator.
Anyhow, that is a telefactoring device, a thing quite distinct from a robot.
We landed them where we could land them, and in many of the places where we could not, we sent down the telefactors and orbited the men again.
Only the computer wasn't exactly a computer and the telefactor wasn't exactly a telefactor.
It was operated as a telefactor device here on Earth, on the ocean floor, in the desert, in mountainous country, as part of its programming.
What they had come up with, to be made part of the initial telefactor loop, was a device which set up a weak induction field in the brain of the operator.
I have been told that the telefactor device known as the Hangman, now possibly possessed of an artificial intelligence, has returned to Earth .
Mik rocks on his feet, but unlike a human being his telefactor body is virtually immune to blast.