Tekko (formerly Tekkoshocon) is an annual four-day anime convention held during April at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The convention has been held in various locations around the Pittsburgh metropolitan area and is run by a non-profit organization, the Pittsburgh Japanese Culture Society (PJCS). Tekkoshocon's name was a blend of the Japanese word tekkosho, meaning steel mill (a reference to Pittsburgh's industrial steel-producing history), and adapting the suffix "-con" (from convention), which is a common nomenclature archetype among such conventions.
The , which originated in Okinawa, Japan, falls into the category of a "fist-load weapon". By definition, a fist-load weapon increases the mass of the hand so that, given the physical proportionality between the fist's momentum and its mass, it increases the force the bearer can deliver. Some fist-load weapons may also serve, in the same manner, as the guard on a sword, to protect the structure of the bearer's hand.