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n. (teen-ager English)

Usage examples of "teen-agers".

John Vianney Church where a coffeehouse called Shalom House was sponsored on weekends to give the teen-agers a place to get together.

At 11:45, Francis got into her car and drove to the church, where teen-agers were talking in the parking lot.

The three separate cases all involved teen-agers, and none had been resolved by conventional means.

She sat on her couch, legs crossed, cigarette in hand, trying to focus on a vision she had of someone who might be one of the teen-agers involved.

What grieved Nancy most was the fact that three boys had been involved in the murder, and that Ronnie's murder was well known to the teen-agers who frequented the wall.

Not only Punky but several other teen-agers knew of the murder, but no one had said a thing.

Looking around the courtroom, she saw other teen-agers who might have known, since September, that her son had been murdered, but who had chosen to say nothing.

Words of caution directed at children and teen-agers would be: avoid dealing with total strangers.

The two teen-agers were jabbing their spears at me, working up the courage to make a real attack.

Finally, as the late afternoon shadows lengthened toward sunset, I saw the vanguard of the clan approaching from over the grassy horizon two of the teen-agers whom Dal often sent out ahead of the rest.

In this Neolithic society where life was so short, teen-agers became adults as soon as they reached sexual maturity.

The sturdiest of the teen-agers and young men helped the older and less agile.

They were youngsters, probably no more than teen-agers, their hair dark and full, their faces smooth and unlined.

Four teen-agers were strolling along a country road near the park, going home from a dance, when the movements of the "star" caught their eyes.

Two local teen-agers were sitting on a nearby hilltop next to a roaring bonfire, hoping to lure the UFOs down.