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n. (context dated English) (alternative spelling of teenager English)

Usage examples of "teen-ager".

Adult is the only constructive way to confront the many anxiety-provoking pronouncements the teen-ager can bring home.

In the 1967 riots in Detroit, three black teen-agers were killed in the Algiers Motel.

He'd climbed on Earth, but you felt silly struggling up a rock cliff when teen-agers were soaring past you in chairlifts on their effortless way to the top and giggling at the anachronist who wanted to do it the hard way!

And although no cop, vigilante, or even teen-ager with a slingshot ever spent five minutes on guard at the dump, at the end of a week Onofre Martinez dictated a letter to Jon Nickerson from Sammy Cantu, elaborately explaining that unfortunately an around-the-clock vigil had netted no culprits.

Fists gave way to a different kind of anti-Semitism at Blair Junior High but by the time Abe was a teen-ager he had a running commentary with the unpleasant aspects of his birth.

Beyond the phone booth she could see the druggist at the soda counter serving milk shakes to four teen-agers.

John Vianney Church where a coffeehouse called Shalom House was sponsored on weekends to give the teen-agers a place to get together.

At 11:45, Francis got into her car and drove to the church, where teen-agers were talking in the parking lot.

The three separate cases all involved teen-agers, and none had been resolved by conventional means.

She sat on her couch, legs crossed, cigarette in hand, trying to focus on a vision she had of someone who might be one of the teen-agers involved.

What grieved Nancy most was the fact that three boys had been involved in the murder, and that Ronnie's murder was well known to the teen-agers who frequented the wall.

Not only Punky but several other teen-agers knew of the murder, but no one had said a thing.

Looking around the courtroom, she saw other teen-agers who might have known, since September, that her son had been murdered, but who had chosen to say nothing.

Words of caution directed at children and teen-agers would be: avoid dealing with total strangers.

The two teen-agers were jabbing their spears at me, working up the courage to make a real attack.