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a. (context dated English) (alternative spelling of teenage English)

Usage examples of "teen-age".

Last fall, two teen-age girls were taken forcibly from their dates and raped by several members of the gang.

I know this is teen-age foolishness, but it made me feel important, and I felt as if I were a real adventurer in the control cabin of a sleek Jupiter Navy spaceship, copiloting through the starry galaxy.

The midnight roads around Antelope Valley are quiet these days, except for an occasional teen-age drag race.

It combines James Dean, Porfiro Rubirosa and a teen-age bank clerk with a foolproof embezzlement scheme.

Two teen-age boys from their neighborhood entered the car: black chinos, black shirts, black gang jackets with PLAYBOYS lettered in dripping red on the back.

If, for example, he is a forty-year-old middle manager with two teen-age sons, two surviving parents or in-laws, and an incipient duodenal ulcer, he can assume that within half a decade his boys will be off to college or living away on their own.

Never to raise her thumbnail to her teeth like a desperately unhappy teen-age girl and gnaw at the cuticle until she tasted blood.

It is also, a natural environment for hoodlums, brawlers, teen-age gangs and racial tension.

With the results still incomplete, the score stood at 2 murders, 76 rapes, 332 aggravated assaults, 13 arsons, 20 kidnappings-mostly of teen-aged girls-56 robberies with violence, uncounted cases of public drunkenness and disorderly conduct, and several thousand lesser misdemeanors such as child abuse, micturating on and throwing bottles at pedesĀ­trians from hotel windows, driving stolen buses off bridges, hijacking an airliner, pulling down statues in public parks, defilement of churches and cemeteries, and destruction, theft, burning, and looting of private property valued at $33 million.

And in the last days of summer, 1911, two families from Ottumwa reported to the station for the journey west: Earl and Alice Grebe and a crafty older pair already familiar with emigration, Magnes and Vesta Volkema, accompanied by their two teen-age children.

In the schoolhouse, he played poker against two teen-age boys and an elderly ex-librarian, and he wound up losing five hundred and twenty-nine thousand dollars in paper clips.

A few deck hands were playing pool in back, and a teen-aged sex kitten was hunched over the bar snapping her gum.

The crime incident was high, young teen-age toughs known as skollies preyed upon the more respectable and fought with each other.

And teen-age kids from Milagro who boxed down in the Chamisaville High School always winkingly attributed their victories to the fact that they had had El Brazo Onofre in their corner.