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n. An antidepressant drug.


Tedatioxetine (Lu AA24530) is an antidepressant that was discovered by scientists at Lundbeck; in 2007 Lundbeck and Takeda entered into a partnership that included tedatioxetine but was focused on another, more advanced Lundbeck drug candidate, vortioxetine.

Tedatioxetine is reported to act as a triple reuptake inhibitor ( 5-HT > NE > DA) and 5-HT, 5-HT, 5-HT and α-adrenergic receptor antagonist.

As of 2009, it was in phase II clinical trials for major depressive disorder, but there have been no updates since then, and as of August 2013 it was no longer displayed on Lundbeck's product pipeline.

On May 10, 2016, all work on tedatioxetine stopped.