TechPort is a Technology Portfolio System for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The TechPort system was created in response to a request by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), resulting in the NASA Performance Goal and APG ST-12-17.
As part of its mission, TechPort stores research and development:
- Progress
- Funding levels and budget data
- Management information
- Purpose
- Benefits to the nation
- Benefits to the Agency
- Benefits to the Industry
- Status (e.g. completed, cancelled, active)
TechPort also, per the FY2012 Performance goals, contains NASA's Technology Roadmaps, including the 2012 Technology Roadmap and 2015 Technology Roadmap. Research and development can then be compared with the roadmap(s), ensuring that the research matches the roadmap and budget allocations are inline with roadmap priorities.
To ensure compliance, TechPort includes interfaces for humans (the main website), search engines (via sitemaps), and machine readable APIs that follow XML standards (/xml-api/ listing all ids and /xml-api/{id} providing the machine-readable data for that item).
As of November 2015, the public instance of TechPort contains 8425 research and development records.