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TechLife (formerly PC User) is an Australian general computer magazine, published monthly by Bauer Media Group. It was Australia's first computer magazine.

The magazine's regular content consists of computer hardware and software reviews and previews, technology news and opinion articles, technical how-to guides, and a 'help station' feature where the magazine's contributors provide answers to technical queries from readers. Each issue includes a companion DVD of free full-version software, trial software, game demos and video tutorials, many of which complement articles in the magazine. The magazine also includes software created by contributing writers, including two customized versions of Linux – 'UserOS Ultra', based on Xubuntu 7.10 and aimed at older computers; and 'PCUserOS Extreme', based on the recently released Ubuntu 8.04 'Hardy Heron' and designed for use on more recent computer hardware.

Notable Australian IT journalists who have regularly contributed to the magazine include Rose Vines, Helen Bradley, Darren Yates, Philip Moore, Link Harris, David Flynn, Roulla Yiacoumi and Angus Kidman.