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Reception china
Afternoon service?
4:00 service
China shop purchase
Service, of a sort
В В Shepherd
Some china
Service collection
Little girl's plaything
Service group?
Group of cups and saucers
Cups, saucers, sugar bowl, etc.
Sideboard collection
Porcelain purchase, perhaps
One may be doll-size
Social group?
China display
Cups, saucers, etc.
Sideboard display
Four-o'clock service?
Something's brewing here
China collection
Beverage service
Cups, saucers, pot, etc.
Special china
Cups, saucers, sugar bowl, etc
Crockery a setter used right away
Card on top of table may be mealtime feature
Domestic service?
Child's toy
Serving aid
Social service?
China buy
Serving need
China purchase
Mad Hatter's service
Girl's toy
Cups, saucers, etc
Service for an afternoon break
Dollhouse accessory
Cups, saucers, creamer, etc
China grouping
Child's china
Afternoon social need, for some
Wedding present possibility
Social need
Service pieces for an afternoon party
Service for a social
Little girl's play dishes