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Teampreneurship is a form of entrepreneurship in which an individual entrepreneur works and learns in a team that is composed of peers who are also entrepreneurs. These individuals are called teampreneurs.

The concept was invented by Opetusneuvos (Counselor of Education) and Emeritus Head-Coach of JAMK University of Applied Science’s Tiimiakatemia Johannes Partanen (Finland). Teampreneurship was originally invented to be used in JAMK’s Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) studies that aimed to educate entrepreneurs. The fundamental idea behind teampreneurship is that entrepreneurs can team with other entrepreneurs. The actual BBA programme is completed in JAMK, working and completing one’s studies at the same time.

Tiimiakatemia’s teampreneurship can be used in vocational studies or in business.

According to Mr. Partanen, teampreneurship speeds up learning. For example, in 2010, 37% of JAMK Tiimiakatemia’s students worked as entrepreneurs after studies and 47% of them had become entrepreneurs within two years of graduation.

Tiimiakatemia’s teampreneurship has been influenced by ideas and theories on learning organizations, self-managed learning, leadership and team building practices (mainly from USA) and socioconstructivism.

Partus Ltd, a consulting and education company from Central Finland, is one of the concept's main promoters. The company has full rights to use and distribute the teampreneur and tiimiyrittäjä trademarks owned by TA Network Ltd.

Teampreneurship was deployed in 2013 in JAMK University of Applied Science (Finland; BBA studies), TAMK University of Applied Sciences (Finland; both BBA and master's degree studies), Turku University of Applied Sciences (Finland; university level studies on beauty care, aka “Estonomi” in Finland), University of Debrecen (Hungary; Master’s Degree studies), University of Mondragon (Spain; both BBA and master's degree studies) and Team Academie Nederlands (Netherlands; BBA studies).