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n. (plural of teacup English)


Teacups is an amusement ride characterized by cup-style spinning vehicles atop a turntable-like floor. Typically, each set of six teacups has a center bearing mounted underneath, similar to a car wheel bearing mounted on a circular floor capable of turning 360°. The circular floor of the cup sits on a larger turntable-like floor. This is driven by a motor through a starting device; the ride when started begins to spin slowly and build up speed as the operator applies more power. When in operation, the ride operator spins each cup while the turntable spins the entire ride base. They are driven by a motor fixed to the base in either the middle or the outside, the motor fixed in the middle has a gearbox which changes direction, as well as gives the correct ratio to the desired speed. The motor fixed on the outside again has a gearbox, but is attached to a small rubber wheel which sits along the rim under the platform. Either way, the end result is achieved and under modern health and safety guidelines, children's rides should not spin faster than eight times per minute.

Usage examples of "teacups".

One of The Teacups, to whom I have slightly referred, is an accomplished pianist, and the two Annexes sing very sweetly together,--the American girl having a clear soprano voice, the English girl a mellow contralto.

Suppose that our circle of Teacups were made up of specialists,--experts in various departments.

It is the custom at our table to vary the usual talk, by the reading of short papers, in prose or verse, by one or more of The Teacups, as we are in the habit of calling those who make up our company.

I received congratulations on reaching my eightieth birthday, not only from our circle of Teacups, but from friends, near and distant, in large numbers.

The Teacups in the way of reading as well as I do how many lumps of sugar the Professor wants in his tea and how many I want in mine.

IV If the reader thinks that all these talking Teacups came together by mere accident, as people meet at a boarding-house, I may as well tell him at once that he is mistaken.

This is a hint to the reader, who is not expected to be too curious about the individual Teacups constituting our unorganized association.

That made a laugh, in which most of The Teacups, myself included, joined heartily.

The Teacups helped me to shape certain additional observations, and may seem to the reader as of more significance than what I had been saying.

It must be remembered that I and the other Teacups, in common with the rest of our fellow-citizens, have had our sensibilities greatly worked upon, our patriotism chilled, our local pride outraged, by the monstrosities which have been allowed to deform our beautiful public grounds.

Why may not some one of the lady Teacups have played the part of a masculine lover?

I expected to have, from time to time, a poem from some one of The Teacups, for I felt sure there must be among them one or more poets,--Teacups of the finer and rarer translucent kind of porcelain, to speak metaphorically.

There may be a little sentiment now and then, but these papers are devoted chiefly to the opinions, prejudices, fancies, whims, of myself, The Dictator, and others of The Teacups who have talked or written for the general benefit of the company.

I made some explanations to The Teacups, the other evening, which they received very intelligently and graciously, as I have no doubt the readers of these reports of mine will receive them.

They were said to have been taken from the usual receptacle of the verses which are contributed by The Teacups, and, though the fact was not mentioned, were of my own composition.