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tax assessor

n. an official who evaluates property for the purpose of taxing it [syn: assessor]

Usage examples of "tax assessor".

He once threw a tax assessor out of his office and required him to return with a search warrant setting forth in detail its constitutional limitations, He regarded the income tax and the Seventeenth Amendment and the direct primary as signs of the decay of the Republic.

And as a final spit in the eye of the holiday season, she tipped over the forty-foot tree that had stood in front of the Libertyville Municipal Building And sent it through a big window and into the town Tax Assessor's office.

He walked down the hall, past TOWN MANAGER and TOWN SELECTMEN, past TAX ASSESSOR and MEN'S and O'SEER OF THE POOR and LADIES'.

He recognized some of the faces-Lew Yoder, the County Tax Assessor, for one.

It makes a lot of difference in these matters whether you are running for legislator, county clerk, congress, justice of the peace, supervisor of education, sheriff, or tax assessor, whether these matters are legitimate criteria of your qualifications.

Protection from predators of any nature: Josh could make the tax assessor flee in panic merely by visualizing him as an attacker!

Each county also had an elected sheriff, tax collector, tax assessor, chancery court clerk, and coroner.

Poor Morey-the Vamp Squad finally got him, tipped by the property-tax assessor.

Pierce, she happened to know, had owned a large block of shares, had been somehow involved in negotiating an understanding with the county tax assessor to lure Yoyodyne here in the first place.