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Tatler is a British glossy magazine published by Condé Nast Publications focusing on fashion and lifestyle, as well as coverage of high society and politics. It is targeted towards the British upper-middle class and upper class, and those interested in society events, and its readership is the wealthiest of all Condé Nast's publications. It was founded in 1901 by Clement Shorter. Tatler also has editions in local languages in mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, and Indonesia.

Tatler (disambiguation)

Tatler is a British magazine, founded in 1901, published by Condé Nast Publications, focusing on society, fashion, politics and lifestyle.

Tatler may also refer to:

  • Ulster Tatler, a Northern Irish lifestyle magazine founded in 1966
  • Tatler (1709), a British literary and society journal founded by Richard Steele in 1709
  • The Tatler: A Daily Journal of Literature and the Stage edited by Leigh Hunt from 1830 to 1832
  • Brian Tatler, English musician
  • Southern Suburbs Tatler, South African newspaper
  • "The Tatler", a song from the 1999 Billy Bragg album Reaching to the Converted
Tatler (1709 journal)

The Tatler was a British literary and society journal begun by Richard Steele in 1709 and published for two years. It represented a new approach to journalism, featuring cultivated essays on contemporary manners, and established the pattern that would be copied in such British classics Addison and Steele's Spectator, Samuel Johnson's Rambler and Idler, Goldsmith's Citizen of the World, and influence essayists as late as Charles Lamb and William Hazlitt. Addison and Steele liquidated the The Tatler in order to make a fresh start with the similar Spectator, and the collected issues of Tatler are usually published in the same volume as the collected Spectator.