Taşca is a commune in Neamţ County, Romania. It is composed of four villages: Hamzoaia, Neagra, Taşca and Ticoş-Floarea.
Usage examples of "tasca".
Lear jet taxied over to the private plane area of the airport at Punta Raisi and when the door opened, Egan saw Marco Tasca walking towards him.
The Lear jet taxied over to the private plane area of the airport at Punta Raisi and when the door opened, Egan saw Marco Tasca walking towards him.
The United States ambassador in Athens at the time was Henry Tasca, a Nixon and Kissinger crony with a very lenient attitude to the dictatorship.
Nixon himself confirmed the connection, between the junta and Pappas and Tasca and the two-way flow of dirty money, on a post-Watergate White House tape dated 23 May 1973.
Pappas came to see me about the ambassador to Greece, that he wanted to - he wanted to keep Henry Tasca there.
Neither the Athens regime nor Tasca replied directly, but on 20 December, four days after the old man had died without a visit from his only son, Senators Moss, Burdick, and Gravel received a telegram from the Greek embassy in Washington.
Concurring with this extraordinary statement, Tasca added that there was a possibility of Senator Gravel attending the funeral of Demetracopoulos senior.
On 29 May a document was transmitted to me from Angelos Vlachos, Secretary General of the Foreign Ministry, giving the views of the United States ambassador Henry Tasca, which he agreed with, about the most efficient means of dealing with the conspiracies and the whole activity of Demetracopoulos.
Quindi rientrò nella tenda camminando, apri la cassapanca di legno e si mise in tasca la scatola d'argento.
Trovai anche delle ottime camicie, che mi fecero molto comodo, e circa due dozzine e mezzo di fazzoletti, alcuni bianchi da tasca ed altri colorati da collo.
Inoltre avevo in tasca due o tre grappoli di uva passa, e del pari gliene diedi una manciata perché la portasse a suo padre.
Il ciondolo e i suoi segni misteriosi gli stavano bruciando la stoffa della tasca.
Enormi quantità di cibo vennero immediatamente stipate nella sua boccuccia, masticate e inghiottite mentre, allo stesso tempo, più sostanziosi panini venivano avvolti nei tovaglioli di carta e messi in tasca.