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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Tarry \Tar"ry\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Tarried; p. pr. & vb. n. Tarrying.] [OE. tarien to irritate (see Tarre); but with a change of sense probably due to confusion with OE. targen to delay, OF. targier, fr. (assumed) LL. tardicare, fr. L. tardare to make slow, to tarry, fr. tardus slow. Cf. Tardy.]

  1. To stay or remain behind; to wait.

    Tarry ye for us, until we come again.
    --Ex. xxiv. 14.

  2. To delay; to put off going or coming; to loiter.

    Come down unto me, tarry not.
    --Gen. xic. 9.

    One tarried here, there hurried one.

  3. To stay; to abide; to continue; to lodge.

    Tarry all night, and wash your feet.
    --Gen. xix. 2.

    Syn: To abide; continue; lodge; await; loiter.


n. The act of one who tarries; a waiting or staying behind. vb. (present participle of tarry English)

Usage examples of "tarrying".

And he anon, withoute tarrying, Did his message, and when that he it told, Urban for joy his handes gan uphold.

But in whichever place they were, and under whatever circumstances, they were all tarrying in expectation of the advent of the Messiah.

The Buddhists await the birth of Maitri Buddha, who is tarrying in the dewa loka Tusita until the time of his advent upon earth.

That is to say, he is tarrying in heaven for the appointed time to arrive when he shall come into the world again to consummate the full and final purposes of his mission.

The foregoing statement, therefore, implies that Christ and his angels would be tarrying on the earth when the final woe of the condemned was inflicted.

It also appears, in the next place, from numerous explicit passages, that the New Testament authors, in common with their countrymen, supposed the souls of the departed to be gathered and tarrying in what the Church calls the intermediate state, the obscure under world.

That is to say, all who have died, except Christ, are still tarrying in the great receptacle of souls under the earth.

After tarrying a season there, they were either born again upon the earth, or transported to the divine realm of the sun.

It burned bright in her soft, grave eyes, this longing for the larger freedom of the tarrying morrow.

Then would I that these fowles were away, Each with his mate, for longer tarrying here.

Saluting Pandarus, and not tarrying, his passage will give occasion for some talk of him, which may make his ears glow.

And although the reverend man frowned minatorily whenever he heard of its passings through the ribs of the faithful, and nodded as though his head gave benediction when he heard of the destruction of God's most vile enemy the infidel, and though he gasped a little through his lips when he heard of certain tarryings of that sword, in scented gardens, while Christian knights should sleep and their swords hang on the wall, though sometimes even a little he raised his hands, yet he leaned forward always, listening well, and picturing clearly as though his gleaming eyes could see them, each doleful tale of violence or sin.