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n. (plural of tarpaulin English)

Usage examples of "tarpaulins".

Quickly, the young mages pulled away from each other and returned to their task, using several lengths of rope to tie the tarpaulins in place.

The hoist moved regularly in and out of the housing, the loads of cement were stacked under their tarpaulins, the mixers chattered noisily and every now and then there was the heavy roar of blasting and more stone was run down in the tip wagons or slung on the cable across to the centre of the dam.

Three cotlins-carreras had already removed the cases-and securely stowed between baffle and bulkhead and added with tarpaulins, so that they could come to no harm.

I took the torch, crossed to the port side, picked up a couple of tarpaulins from behind the baffle, and dragged them across the floor.

I was barely a couple of feet away from the tarpaulins when I heard the click of the autolock coming off and suddenly my back was breaking.

I staggered and lurched forward, and the twister, with myself above and still clinging desperately to it, crashed heavily on to the tarpaulins with a shock that seemed to shake the entire floor of the hold.

They worked without speaking for a short while, tucking the corners of the tarpaulins under some of the equipment to keep them secure against the wind, and carefully arranging each piece so that it overlapped the last.

Just as they finished securing the tarpaulins, they heard footsteps and, turning toward the sound, they saw Peredur approaching them.

Alayna continued to stare at the tarpaulins, the look in her eyes rueful.

Grape-sized drops of water pounded noisily on the tarpaulins that covered the food and supplies, and the rich, sweet smell of the storm settled heavily over the grassy clearing.

tarpaulins covered their loads, tarpaulins roped down and bulging with cargo.