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n. A heavy paper, coated with tar, used to waterproof walls and roofs.

Usage examples of "tarpaper".

When those fortunes eluded them, they all too often found themselves starving in a derelict house or tarpaper shack on the northside, along with a million or so others.

He looked out over the tarpaper expanse of the roofs surface, at the dozen or so newborn demonlings that were slowly bleeding out their substance in the moonlight.

The nigger had a nice white house with an upstairs and an oil furnace while Butch and his wife and his son lived in what was not much better than a tarpaper shack.

It's a seller's market for tarpaper shacks within walking distance of the Square.

There was one of these cooking fires in front of each of the shanties of tarpaper and old corrugated iron that crowded so closely that there were only narrow lanes between them, and there was amongst the shacks a feeling of the presence of many unseen people, as though an army were encamped out here in the open veld.

From that distance it looked like scrap: corrugated steel sides ulcered with rust and caving inward, mere fringes of tarpaper roof remaining, exposing age-blackened rafters, neck-high weeds scrambling for the light.