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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Tarnish \Tar"nish\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Tarnished; p. pr. & vb. n. Tarnishing.] [F. ternir, fr. OHG. tarnen to darken, to conceal, hide; akin to OS. dernian to hide, AS. dernan, dyrnan, OHG. tarni hidden, OS. derni, AS. derne, dyrne. Cf. Dern,

  1. , and see -ish.] To soil, or change the appearance of, especially by an alternation induced by the air, or by dust, or the like; to diminish, dull, or destroy the luster of; to sully; as, to tarnish a metal; to tarnish gilding; to tarnish the purity of color. ``Tarnished lace.''
    --Fuller. Used also figuratively; as, to tarnish one's honor.

    Syn: To sully; stain; dim.


vb. (en-past of: tarnish)


adj. especially of reputation; "the senator's seriously damaged reputation"; "a flyblown reputation"; "a tarnished reputation"; "inherited a spotted name" [syn: besmirched, damaged, flyblown, spotted, stained, sullied, tainted]


Tarnished is a 1950 American action film directed by Harry Keller and written by John K. Butler. The film stars Dorothy Patrick, Arthur Franz, Barbra Fuller, Jimmy Lydon, Harry Shannon and Don Beddoe. The film was released on February 28, 1950, by Republic Pictures.

Usage examples of "tarnished".

The metallic grass had a tarnished look and the tinfoil trees looked limp and greasy.

How changed, how passion-worn and tarnished was the countenance that met his eyes.

No ill had tarnished the nature of Villiers: he enjoyed life, he was in good-humour with the world, and thought well of mankind.

He had left her, and thought of her no more--except, as a passing reflection, that in the natural course of things, she was now to become the pupil of Lady , and consequently, that her unsophisticated feelings and affectionate heart would speedily be tarnished and hardened under her influence.

And if you were lucky and they were sensible, they found somewhere between impossible perfection and the Pit where they could be real coppers - slightly tarnished, because the job did that to you, but not rotten.

It was as if the bright surfaces had suddenly become tarnished and no longer reflected the light and, somehow, somewhere, there was a hint of invading rust.

It had not always been an easy task once word of her child leaked out, for she had been deemed tarnished goods.

The tarnished tiara with most of its glass diamonds missing was tangled in strands of her hair and tilted to the side of her head.

Could Bonaparte have seen the gloom which pervaded Paris, and compared it with the joy which prevailed on the day when he returned victorious from the field of Marengo, he would have felt that he had tarnished his glory by a stain which could never be effaced.

French susceptibility would have made us look upon that glory as tarnished if Paris had been occupied without defence .

It must have been your own spoon in the bag, it was too fine and too tarnished to be one of ours.

The bond that had formed between the girl and the woman when Raum had presented both of them to the Mother had not tarnished during their separation.

She tried to summon the power of the Mother, but it was tarnished by whatever lurked here, and it sickened and failed even as Faraday touched it.

He had two caps, a fairly new one, and the cap he always wore at sea, the gold trim of which was tarnished dull green.

He stepped out from behind the palms, acutely conscious of his gold-buttoned bridge coat and white scarf and tarnished hat.