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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Tarlatan \Tar"la*tan\, n. A kind of thin, transparent muslin, used for dresses.


n. A thin muslin with an open weave once used for ball-gowns etc

Usage examples of "tarlatan".

General, for hundreds to see and admire, that Miss Celia had consented, much against her will, and hastily arranged some bits of spangled tarlatan over the white cotton suit which was to simulate the regulation tights.

Christmas stockings from tarlatan, seamed them with red worsted, and filled them with yellow corn for the hens.

It took a wonderful quantity of tarlatan to get them ready for a ball, a large carriage to hold them, and a small amount of fun to make them talkative and happy.

It contained a real bought doll, with a china head and a cloth body, who was gorgeously and airily attired in pink tarlatan with silver spangles.

To her dismay, two were the Misses Wainwright, in matching white tarlatan gowns.

Emmie lis-tened to the swish of tarlatan skirts that announced the arrival of her friend Dolly Quill.

The skirts of the gown were stiffened with tarlatan, which gave the dress a degree of formality even without the hourglass shape imposed by stays, and Arabella after a swift glance in the long mirror decided she had sacrificed enough comfort in the interest of sartorial propriety for one day.

In other cases we note money-counting, the colored candles of a Christmas tree, paper collars, ball-wreaths of artificial flowers, ball-dresses made of green tarlatan, playing cards, hat-lining, and fly-papers.

There were gaily-coloured dominoes, blue, green, pink and purple, harlequins combining all the colours of the rainbow in one tight-fitting garment, and Columbines with short, tarlatan skirts, beneath which peeped bare feet and ankles.