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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Tardiness \Tar"di*ness\, n. The quality or state of being tardy.


n. 1 (context uncountable English) The state or quality of being tardy. 2 (context countable English) The result or product of being tardy.


n. the quality or habit of not adhering to a correct or usual or expected time [ant: punctuality]


Tardiness is the habit of being late or delaying arrival. Being late as a form of misconduct may be formally punishable in various arrangements, such as workplace, school, etc. An opposite personality trait is punctuality.

Tardiness (scheduling)

In scheduling, tardiness is a measure of a delay in executing certain operations and earliness is a measure of finishing operations before due time. The operations may depend on each other and on the availability of equipment to perform them.

Typical examples include job scheduling in manufacturing and data delivery scheduling in data processing networks.

In manufacturing environment, inventory management considers both tardiness and earliness undesirable. Tardiness involves backlog issues such as customer compensation for delays and loss of goodwill. Earliness incurs expenses for storage of the manufactured items.

Usage examples of "tardiness".

Torm cast a quick look back to see all the Riders doing so, and pulled his mount to the left, catching a glare from Kuthe for his tardiness.

The last of the guests to arrive was Endymion, who came in, looking like a handsome, overgrown schoolboy detected in crime, and stammering an apology for his tardiness.

He is not pleased with the tardiness of the movement toward Chattanooga, and directs that no force be sent here if you cannot do it without breaking up the operations against that point and East Tennessee.

To Miss Laetitia Hawkins, 2, Sion Row, Twickenham March 8th 1809 Dear Miss Hawkins, You will forgive my tardiness in replying to your numerous letters, but I have been staying in Dumbartonshire with my husband Admiral Keith and have only recently returned.

Wherefore, in reading the lives and acts of the saints composed in a rude manner or barbarous dialect, disgust is often excited, and not seldom tardiness of belief.

While he is surveying the motley crowd of suitors to the goddess, Philogenet is summoned back into the King's presence, chidden for his tardiness in coming to Court, and commanded to swear observance to the twenty Statutes of Love -- which are recited at length.

Cadderly knew that the conniving Rufo had waited for him, seeking new fuel for Headmaster Avery's ire, and he knew that Avery would not excuse his tardiness.

Corporal punishment was abolished here ages ago, but in many countries today, it is still considered perfectly acceptable for teachers to cane children for tardiness or giving a wrong answer (although this would so cut down on the level of goofing off at Adams Prep, we might actually learn something for a change).

None of this was a surprise to Warch, since the president had turned tardiness into a habit recently.