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tap into

vb. 1 To establish a connection with something, especially in order to take advantage of something 2 To access a resource or object.

Usage examples of "tap into".

The ashmen of the planet milked their glands for precious radioactive iodine, by inserting a surgical tap into the gland-sac.

The ashmen of the planet milked their glands for precious radioactive iodine, by inserting a surgical tap into the glandsac.

It seems that when they exhaust their power, they tap into any other power supply that's available.

It seems that when they exhaust their power, they tap into any other power supply that’.

If we can learn to tap into that unconscious, subconscious, and dormant ninety-five percent, the results can be amazing.

If we plant an inspirational thought in our minds during such moments and then envision how we might practice that idea throughout the day, we tap into a wellspring that not only helps us meet our challenges but gives us new options for responding to important opportunities and teaching moments.

It was water running from tap into tub, a medium flow, complete with splashing and the hollow sound of pipes in the wall clanging their work.

Traveling slowly back and forth, the Muller had a direct tap into much of Cuba's communications.