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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Tanyard \Tan"yard`\, n. An inclosure where the tanning of leather is carried on; a tannery.


n. An open-air tannery

Usage examples of "tanyard".

Were seductive whispers about Darcy and Dacre and armed tanyard workers reaching her?

This excellent institution occupies Westbrook Place, an old house at Godalming, close to the railway, which passes so close as to cut off one corner of the park, and of the malodorous tanyard between the remnant of grounds and the river Wey that once washed them.

The three cotton factories and the tanyard were not in the village itself, but a little way off.

Then he and Sephrenia rode out from the inn towards the north gate of Paler and the tanyard of the man named Berd.

Loire, there is an old gray house, surmounted by very high gables, and so completely isolated that neither tanyard nor shabby hostelry, such as you may find at the entrance to all small towns, exists in its immediate neighborhood.

Ever since the hides had mysteriously disappeared from his tanyard a few days before, he had felt sure that this quarrelsome neighbour of his must have taken them.

Promise me that thou wilt not take any strong drink for a year, and I will employ thee myself in the tanyard at good wages.

John Smith entered the tanyard, not this time slinking in as a thief in the darkness, but introduced by the master himself as an engaged workman.

Among those present that day was that same William Savery, who, in the last story, had a bundle of valuable hides stolen from his tanyard, and punished the thief, when he came to return the hides, by loading him with kindness and giving him a good situation.

Mattie, er way bak dere in Souf Alabama, down below Montgomery, in de hills, en on de big place whut our ole marster, William Green, had, en whar de tanyard wuz.

Yo see, old marster, he runned er big tanyard wid all de res of he bizness, whar dey tan de hides en mek de shoes en leather harness en sich lak, en den too, marster, he raise eberything on de place.

Jimmy Finn himself, at auction, for fifty dollars, under great competition, when Jimmy lay very sick in the tanyard a fortnight before his death.

Now it was empty: there was no house, no horse-barn, no tanyard, only the yellow grass glittering with frostflakes under a gray sky.