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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Tantalizingly \Tan"ta*li`zing*ly\, adv. In a tantalizing or teasing manner.


adv. In a tantalizing manner.


adv. in a tantalizing manner; "she smiled at him tantalizingly" [syn: invitingly]

Usage examples of "tantalizingly".

Though his progress seemed tantalizingly slow to the ape-man whose idea of speed had been gained by such standards as the lesser apes attain, he made, as a matter of fact, almost as rapid progress as the drifting canoe that bore Rokoff on ahead of him, so that he came to the bay and within sight of the ocean just after darkness had fallen upon the same day that Jane Clayton and the Russian ended their flights from the interior.

He knew as surely as if he had seen them that there were more papyri hidden under that sterile surfacemore ostraca, more stelaenew inscriptions, perhaps even the missing fragments of some of the tantalizingly incomplete texts he had translated.

He had crossed those fords a year before on the day that Washington Faulconer had tried to eject him from the Legion, and if that far gleam was indeed the run and the road really was the highway leading from Manassas to Sudley, then it meant that the Legion was close, tantalizingly close, to the Galloway farm.

Yet during those hours I saw in their sparse scatter intimations of the scriptlike fungus inscribed upon the walls of the chamber at the heart of the law, indecipherable to me now as Arabic or Mandarin, tantalizingly inscrutableI suspected they were the regulations by which we lived and contemplating them soothed me.

She grunted drunkenly, and then awareness seeped into her as he held the bag tantalizingly before her eyes.

Then an increase in the volume until the nonsense was a tease, tantalizingly on the edge of audibility.

She began in the middle of her range, using the most sensuous songs she could remember, augmenting them subtly in bass reflex but keeping the volume tantalizingly low so that he had to crouch forward to hear her.

Stice drove this backhand hard down the line to Hal's forehand, a blazing thing that made the audience inhale, but as the samizdat's director's other son glided a few strides left Steeply could see that he now had a whole open court to hit cross-court into, Stice having hit so hard he'd backpedalled a bit off the shot and was now scrambling to get back out of the deuce corner, arid Hal hit the flat textbook drive cross-court into green lined space, hard but not flamboyantly so, and the diagonal of the ball kept it travelling out wide after it hit Stice's ad sideline, carrying it away from the boy in black's outstretched racquet, and for a second it looked as if Stice at a dead run might get his strings on the ball, but the ball stayed tantalizingly just out of reach, still travelling at a severe cross-court diagonal, and it passed Slice's racquet half a meter past its rim, and Slice's momentum carried him almost halfway into the next court.

He was completely unaware that his wounded mitt hung so tantalizingly in the water, just as he was unaware of the cannibalistic proclivities of Callinectes sapidus, the common blue crab.

Perhaps it will prevent the failures that plagued our past efforts-those other occasions when we tried to send messages across the vast desert of flatness between our nexus of galaxies and the myriad spiral heavens we see floating past, tantalizingly out of reach.

And I stared up at the rim of the well, tantalizingly out of reach, waiting for the coming of the two who sought us.

The van's mapfiche proved they were tantalizingly near to several sizable towns: Rocksprings, Junction, Sonora.

Kawakami pointed at the TV monitor in front of him, where vague shapes lay tantalizingly just out of reach of the floodlights.

Jamie twiddled the quill tantalizingly, and Adso made an abortive swipe at it with one paw.

It is possible to get trapped in a waiting game for years, while dozens of other good speculative opportunities drift tantalizingly within reach of your fingers, which are powerless to grasp them.