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tank farms

n. (tank farm English)

Usage examples of "tank farms".

The tank farms had to be burning, sending untold millions of gallons of fuel oil up in smoke.

If you're raped and knocked about, they sell the man to the Tank Farms where he's kept alive and used to provide spare parts to the Flesh Welders.

Flames licked at the sky in a dozen places now, where flak batteries and petroleum tank farms were burning.

I hardly ever bothered to include places such as the labs, tank farms, infirmaries, data management centers, fusion modules, and such on my unofficial rounds.

He was going to Argentina, by Pan American Airlines, ostensibly an expert on oil-industry tank farms, to operate a radio station.

He's been around enough tank farms and refineriesif only to demolish themto look like he knows what he's doing.

On the Syrian coast oil-tank farms flame from offshore bombardments, and the Wasp patrol boats in the Red Sea report knocking out numbers of Egyptian landing craft.

It may be that accelerating particles in the next century will not require the massive Rube Goldberg apparatus of a fifty-four-mile tunnel and the twelve cryogenic plants with their entire tank farms of liquid helium.

Anyway, the tank farms are the most open and easily guarded complex on the entire pipeline.

I gave her my credit card and driver's license, asked directions to the downtown area, and pretty soon I was driving past petrochemical tank farms and flat green fields and white cement block structures with signs that said things like FREE DIRT and TORO LAWN-MOWERS.