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Tamgaly is a petroglyph site in the Semirechye, Kazakhstan. Tamgaly is located 120 km to north-west of Almaty, and takes about two and a half hours as the side road to Tamgaly is in poor condition (August 2013). The site is open to visitors, and the guards can assist you to head in the right direction along a gravel path. The main petroglyphs can be reached in about 15 minutes from the car park. The majority of the 5000 petroglyphs are in the main canyon, but there are a number in the many side canyons. The petroglyphs are mostly Bronze Age, but in some cases from the Iron Age and the Medieval.

The name Tamgaly in Kazakh and other Turkic languages means "painted or marked place".

Tamgaly became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2004. (See List of World Heritage Sites in Kazakhstan)