Tall Timber is a 1928 silent animated short film starring Oswald the Lucky Rabbit and is the 23rd in the series. In terms of production, the film is currently the last existing Oswald cartoon directed by Walt Disney, until in the late 2015, when Sleigh Bells, the next Oswald cartoon after Tall Timber has been rediscovered.
Tall Timber is a 1926 Australian silent film about a rich man who flees the city and works in a timber mill. It is considered a lost film.
Tall Timber may refer to:
- Tall Timber (1928 film), a 1928 silent animated short film
- Tall Timber (1926 film), a 1926 Australian silent film
- Park Avenue Logger, also known as Tall Timber, a 1937 film
- Tall Timber, Colorado, United States
Usage examples of "tall timber".
The noncombatants were streaking for the tall timber or local equivalent, or herding their stock and children toward the big palisaded roundhouses.
Then do the same thing inside the bailey-only a smaller, much higher mound, with a great tall timber tower on top as well as a palisade.
His followers called encouragement, and the clearing soon rang with the chunk and thunk of axes on tall timber and the sound of cheering voices.
As it happened, this was no burden to us for Benowyc was a fine and fair place, good to look upon, blessed with wide fields, forests of tall timber, and long, lush hunting runs second to none.
We passed through the tall timber gate and emerged onto a flat, grass-covered yard, large enough to hold an army.
The guards let him out a postern gate in the north wall, and they rode down Shadowblack Lane to the foot of Aegon's High Hill, and thence onto Pigrun Alley, past rows of shuttered windows and tall timber-and-stone buildings whose upper stories leaned out so far over the street they almost kissed.
The attackers formed a shieldwall and surged through the screen of frozen undergrowth, into the comparatively open spaces under tall timber.
There was little use taking to the tall timber to hide yourself when you traveled with two big geldings wearing oversized draft shoes.