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talk around

alt. To persuade someone. vb. To persuade someone.

Usage examples of "talk around".

And lots o' times the other side o' the question makes interestin' small talk around a suipper table, if fer nothin' else afterward.

Trying to talk around the soft-cyber was leaving her unaccustomedly tongue-tied.

The talk around him was dignified and quite incomprehensible, but he reasoned that no one was likely to pay much attention to him and that he was probably safe if he kept his mouth shut and his eyes on his plate.

There was always lots of talk around the Twins, and only a little was ever true, but in this case Merrett believed it.

There was talk around the camp that the whole operation had been a waste of time.

He can play football, he loves to hunt, and he allows no nasty talk around the ladies, although he discusses them in lewd terms among his fellows.