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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Talaria \Ta*la"ri*a\, n. pl. [L., from talaris pertaining to the ankles, fr. talus ankle.] (Class. Myth.) Small wings or winged shoes represented as fastened to the ankles, -- chiefly used as an attribute of Mercury.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"winged sandals of Hermes (Mercury)" and often other gods (Iris, Eros, the Fates and the Furies), 1590s, from Latin talaria, noun use of neuter plural of talaris "of the ankle," from talus "ankle" (see talus (n.1)).


n. a winged sandal (as worn by Hermes in Graeco-Roman art)


Talaria (, ) are winged sandals, a symbol of the Greek messenger god Hermes ( Roman equivalent Mercury). They were said to be made by the god Hephaestus of imperishable gold and they flew the god as swift as any bird. The name is from the Latin talaria, neuter plural of talaris, "of the ankle".

Usage examples of "talaria".

Castor and Pollux that he believed the blind girl had the talaria of Mercury as well as the infirmity of Cupid.