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taking stock

vb. (present participle of take stock English)

Usage examples of "taking stock".

Swinging the door open and standing and taking stock of the scene inside is not the way to do it.

For him, chin rubbing was something he did when he was taking stock of his overall situation in the world.

When Laura stepped in and her eyes adjusted to the dim light, she saw Michael and Kayla crouched together on the brick floor, taking stock of Templeton House's new mutt.

Alucius absently cleaned the sabre and sheathed it, taking stock of his squad.

Five minutes later she stopped at the edge of the clearing, taking stock before she left the cover of the trees.

They ate in thoughtful silence, each under pressing necessity of taking stock and reaching some reasonable reorientation.

If the Lord of the Minwanabi survived the destruction of the games, then he is most likely hiding in his quarters, as we are, taking stock of personal losses and awaiting word that sanity has returned in the streets.