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vb. (eye dialect of taking English)

Usage examples of "takin'".

Why, I'm thinkin' of takin' one of them correspondence school courses.

Take Granma with ya if ya want, but ya ain't takin' me, an' that's the end of it.

Why, jus' think how it's gonna be, under them shady trees a-pickin' fruit an' takin' a bite ever' once in a while.

Why, Jesus Christ, Ma, they comes a time when the on'y way a fella can keep his decency is by takin' a sock at a cop.

Tell you what they did you know the Holy Roller preachers all the time follow the people around, preachin' an' takin' up collections?

An' you're comin' or you ain't comin', but I'm takin' Rosasharn an' the little fellas outa here.

The joker what was takin' down this informationgives me a hard look before continuing with hisquestions.

You see, my cousin Nunzio and me is far morecomfortable takin' orders than givin' them.

I sneak a glance at thecorporal, then lower my voice while takin' greatpains to keep a smile on my face.

The whole crew groans at this, a sure indicationof their familiarity with the game, which is notsurprisin' as Nunzio and me have been takin' greatpains to teach it to 'em.

I thought this would bring any resistance on theproprietor's part to an end, but instead he straight-ens up and frowns, his eyes takin' on a meanglitter.

Mind you, I am not wild about takin' this skirtsomewhere where I might run into my comman-din' officer, but I figure she'll be impressed withmy willingness to spring for a good time.

I sez, recallin' that, unfortu-itously, takin' the Fifth Amendment only works incourt.

I sneak a glance at the corporal, then lower my voice while takin' great pains to keep a smile on my face.

I sez, recallin' that, unfortuitously, takin' the Fifth Amendment only works in court.