vb. (past participle of take exception English)
Usage examples of "taken exception".
They'd been close since school days, when Smithton had taken exception to three older boys pushing around Marlowe and had decided to even the odds.
He thought about all the times she'd instinctively taken hold of his hand, the way she'd caressed his arm while she gave him hell about an opinion of his she had taken exception to.
If it hadn't been for the teasing glint in his eyes, she might have taken exception to the terms.
She must have taken exception to his remark about not being married at all if it weren't for the contracts.
His professed adoration had not so far led him to abandon the pursuit of opera dancers and Cyprians, or to rectify those faults of character to which Miss Milborne had more than once taken exception.
In the War, the honest trade had gotten thinner still, as Union had taken exception to merchanters supplying the Fleet and tried to cut off Voyager, as a pipeline to Mazian’.
In the War, the honest trade had gotten thinner still, as Union had taken exception to merchanters supplying the Fleet and tried to cut off Voyager, as a pipeline to Mazian's Fleet.
It could be argued that, as the landlord of a pub, this might have put him in a certain peril with more truculent patrons, who might well have taken exception to him renaming them.
And he hadn't taken exception to the extent of her proposed donation to the Church, or Jamie Howell's commission.
Eliza had taken exception to his little trip to Thailand and had gone off to stay with a girlfriend in the Village.
With a grin she would probably have taken exception to, had she been in any condition to see it, he lifted from her, careful not to wake her.
Neither Benden Weyrleader had taken exception to or even seemed surprised by F'lessan's remarks.