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take advantage

vb. (context intransitive English) To profit from a situation.

take advantage
  1. v. draw advantages from; "he is capitalizing on her mistake"; "she took advantage of his absence to meet her lover" [syn: capitalize, capitalise]

  2. make excessive use of; "You are taking advantage of my good will!"; "She is trespassing upon my privacy" [syn: trespass]

Usage examples of "take advantage".

And reports from Earth, which Sax forced himself to watch for an hour a day, made it clear that some forces there were trying to keep things the way they had been before the flood, in sharp conflict with other groups trying to take advantage of the flood in the same way the Martian revolutionaries had, using it as a break point in history and a springboard to some new order, some fresh start.

One of the commonest pieces of chicanery in the counting is to take advantage of the feet that many people neglect to vote for any but the head of the ticket If the ballot is of the style in which the candidates are grouped by offices it is very easy to mark incomplete ballots after the polls are closed.

But the mob was in no position to take advantage of the momentary confusion.

The bed was near the southwest corner, to take advantage of breezes from either direction.

As soon as the procession of this last Roman embassy was formed in the Forum, its numbers were almost immediately swelled, in spite of opposition, by those among the mass of the people who were still able to move their languid and diseased bodies, and who, in the extremity of their misery, had determined at all hazards to take advantage of the opening of the gates, and fly from the city of pestilence in which they were immured, careless whether they perished on the swords of the Goths or languished unaided on the open plains.

Possibly he thought that I might take advantage of his helplessness and slay him.

So let's take advantage of all the time we've got to get everything straightened up before he comes back.

I'm also aware of the imminent need to take advantage of this opportunity.

Edmund understood this relationship very well, and was careful not to let James take advantage.

Of course, I know you are quite entitled to take advantage of that.

So if you wish to go over the cavern, and make the round of the lagoon, you must take advantage of to-day, M.

He, therefore, begged them not to be disturbed by her presence, but to take advantage of it to make known all their wants and longings.

Should the Victoria pass this way again, I'll take advantage of my new position to treat my worshippers here to a miracle when I go sailing up into the sky!

It is a proof of weakness which masses of people at once perceive, and never fail to take advantage of.

Finally, all other difficulties being obviated, woman cannot take advantage of these preliminary reforms, until she herself shall have undergone a still mightier change.