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take action

vb. To act; to act positively and decisively to resolve a problem.

Usage examples of "take action".

Then, on June 16, 1636, Mohegan Indians warned the English that the Pequots, fearful that the colonists were about to take action, had decided on a preemptive strike.

A Bolo that broke its programming to take action outside the allowable parameters was condemned as a rogue and executed, without mercy, without hope of reprieve.

To take action and change, we must also see the advantages of improving and believe we can make the self-improvements we need.

They then called on the commander of the royal cohort to take action, but he declined to act.

The matter will be referred to the Council, of course, but this is a case where one is justified in assuming that we take action at once.

We dont want to take action against your family, but we will if we have to.

The ability to take action that is timely and decisive multiplies substantially the chances of ultimate success.

Often initial public outrage and political support for action in response to a provocation subsides if a prolonged buildup is necessary in order to prepare to take action.

Unless enough people are willing to take action, we will surely lose our freedom.

He had been wanting to take action, any kind of action, for hours now.

But add that though we still mean Kremastor no harm, we will be forced to take action unless Commander Ansfield is returned—.

With your concurrence, as soon as I'm sure who the leak is I'll take action.