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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Tailrace \Tail"race`\, n.

  1. See Race, n., 6.

  2. (Mining) The channel in which tailings, suspended in water, are conducted away.


n. 1 (context archaic English) The part of a millrace that carries water away from a water wheel. 2 The part of a hydropower facility that carries water away from a turbine.


n. a watercourse that carries water away from a mill or water wheel or turbine

Usage examples of "tailrace".

Connecting the two levels would be massive underground pipes-or penstocks and tailrace tunnels.

The generating plant would be between the reservoir and river, the penstocks ending at the plant, where the tailrace tunnels start.

He was a strong swimmer, even had some medals we found out after, but the flow in the tailrace pulled him under.

Something else Nim had told them in advance was that this particular tailrace was unique.

Some twenty minutes later, after a short bus ride, be had led the way into the tailrace tunnel.

Beyond the black glass of the office windows, the white boil of the tailrace fluttered like star-shot silk in the distant gloom.

The mill wheel was turning, spilling its load of water into the tailrace, spraying and splattering.

While the log was running through the saw, it was my never ending delight to lean out of an opening in the side of the mill and watch the tailrace rush from under the building.

Then he had passed the power-house, and felt the reassurance that everything must be normal because he saw the water pouring out from the tailraces and heard the dim continuous hum of the generators.

That was after the group scrambled down a steep rock stairway to where the tailrace of Devil's Cate 1 generating plant emptied boisterously into Pineridge River, twenty feet below.