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tags off

vb. (en-third-person singulartag off)

Usage examples of "tags off".

Grace peeled the hard plastic bubble away from her kitchen knife and tested its sharpness by cutting the tags off her purchases.

The minute we were airborne, I crawled over to Duncan, stripped him of his ID, ripped the tags off his neck, and tossed 'ern aside.

Quickly Spalko took the ID tags off one of his men, changed into the man's uniform and got rid of his colored contact lenses.

Unless slamming your apartment door was somehow against federal law, the worst she could be accused of was tearing the tags off her mattress and pillows.

Therefore, he leaves the tags off his vehicle until he is safely back in Oregon.

Gennaro walked down the hallway, tearing the sales tags off the suitcase.

The clerk cut the price tags off of the clothes, and Marilyn and Carolyn did a quick change in the lounge.