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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Taffeta \Taf"fe*ta\, Taffety \Taf"fe*ty\, n. [F. taffetas, It. taffet[`a], from Per. t[=a]ftah, originally, twisted, woven, from t[=a]ftan to twist, to spin.] A fine, smooth stuff of silk, having usually the wavy luster called watering. The term has also been applied to different kinds of silk goods, from the 16th century to modern times.

Lined with taffeta and with sendal.


n. (dated form of taffeta English)

Usage examples of "taffety".

His habit was very proper for a merry-andrew, being a dirty calico, with hanging sleeves, tassels, and cuts and slashes almost on every side: it covered a taffety vest, so greasy as to testify that his honour must be a most exquisite sloven.

Here it happened, that one poor and miserable wretch was found in the house of a gentleman of great quality, who had put on, amidst that confusion of things, a pair of taffety breeches belonging to his master with a little silver key hanging at the strings thereof.

And that was scarce good for the broidered cloak of purple taffety the Duke Corsus wore about his shoulders.

And that was scarce good for the broidered cloak of purple taffety the Duke Corsus wore about his shoulders.