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tacked up

vb. (en-pasttack up)

Usage examples of "tacked up".

She was trying to push a slip strap back under the sweaty armhole of her dress with one hand while she tacked up a dorm sign-out sheet with the other.

The light in here was good, even with the vines and tall grass covering the window, but some drawings tacked up on the wall were in shadow.

They had been going to see a picture of a girl's pussy, the picture supposedly tacked up on the bulletin board of some deserted office.

He didn't have to go back to the toolshed, where a detailed map of the graveyard was tacked up on the wall, to know that.

Week in and week out they tacked up and down in all weathers, while the enemy rested safely in harbour and watched their every move.

Six eight-by-tens of the footprints by the dam were tacked up on a corkboard next to an ad for a lawn service that guaranteed to make your lawn thick as cat's fur and we mean purrfect.

He tacked up his sketches, brushed a rough GOGH into the whitewashed wall next to the kitchen, and settled down to become a Dutch Millet.

Torene always managed to eat breakfast, but like many other riders, she skipped the noontime meal, settling instead for a cup of klah before she changed into riding gear and asked Alaranth to come down to be tacked up.